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  • porpyandpinky

Where Do You Get Your Protein?

Updated: Nov 30, 2021

This is possibly the silliest question vegans get asked. My answer is usually

"The same place you get yours from - plants".

What most misguided meat-eaters don't realise is that all the protein and iron in meat comes from the plants those meat-bearing animals eat. So, in fact, they are getting it second hand. Vegans get it first hand. Broccoli, for example, is 50% protein, English Spinach is 40% protein, Mushrooms are 50% protein. Beef is a mere 35% protein. Chicken is low in protein and bacon isn't even worth mentioning, because it's less than 0.4% protein.

Admittedly, we have to eat a larger amount of these vegetables to obtain the calorific equivalent of eating concentrated meat protein but you must also weigh in the cholesterol and cancer forming properties of meat and dairy products. All animal products are highly carcenogenic, especially processed meat, like sausages, bacon, salami, etc.

If you're finding it hard to ween yourself off flesh and blood food, have no fear. It's not too difficult to make vegan steak. There's a recipe on my own website for it. You can also buy 'Chicken-Free Chicken', 'Fishless Fillets', various types of vegetarian sausages - some good (like Fry's) some not so good. Trial and error here will find your faves. Asian grocery stores sometimes have amazing meat, chicken and fish substitutes.

Now cheese... Well, that's a tough one. Angel Food Cheddar (in New Zealand) is pretty good. I'm not overly fond of their 'Mozzarella'. It doesn't do what pizza cheese is supposed to do. However, kudos to them for their efforts. Zenzo cheese - not fond of it. In my opinion, a bit dry and tasteless.

So... visit the 'Gentle Chef', Skye Michael Conroy, and download his books. I did and learnt heaps about making cheese, meat, and egg substitutes. But mention my name, won't you?

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